The Call is a 2019 thriller film written , co-produced and directed by Mime Production. The film stars Basar as a serial killer, who calls all his targets before brutually murdering them. The ensemble cast additionally includes Fatima Nawaz , Hamza Farukh and Hadi Awan.

The Call was filmed in a Mansion where three siblings lived alone. Shooting started on 19th January and went upto 26th. 

In the film, Fatima Nawaz lives with her two brothers. It starts with them casually playing a board game late at night. This follows with Fatima receiving a call from an Unknown Number. At first she doesn’t attend it but then when the call comes again she picks up the phone and walks outside to attend the call. During this scene with the help of parallel editing , Basar can also be seen sitting in a dark , creepy room making the phone calls to Fatima while smoking. 

In the next scene, Fatima walks outside the house , towards the lawn to attend the call. As soon she steps outside she hears some noise and looks around to see if someone’s there. However, she doesn’t find anyone and so she keeps walking. Then Basar can be seen standing behind Fatima. He rushes toward her with a knife in his hand and as soon as he grabs her , there is a blackout , signifying that she has been murdered. 

In the last scene, Fatima’s dead body is lying on the floor. Basar places a rose on her bloody body and then walks past her.


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